Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
Guidelines for Selection from the Statements of Muslim Jurists in Matters Relating to Islamic Economics
ضوابط الاختيار بين أقوال الفقهاء في مسائل الاقتصاد الإسلامي
Subject : Guidelines for Selection from the Statements of Muslim Jurists in Matters Relating to Islamic Economics 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : It has been noticed from the contemporary researches in Islamic Economics (IE) that have dealt with jurisprudence (Fiqh) issues, especially the ones that Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) face due to the novel products that they have developed or other related matters that a number of researchers who have dealt with these matters for the benefit of IFs or otherwise, have pursued a special way, that is the selection from the statements of Muslim jurists. This selection is based upon the suitability of the statement to the investigated matter regardless of the evidences upon which this statement is based. As a result of this methodology an important question arose and is treated in this paper, this question can be addressed as: to what extent is this methodology correct? For the particularity of this subject and its direct liaison to the statements of the early scholars of Islam I have quoted the exact expressions of those scholars in each matter relevant to this research. Then I have analyzed and commented on these statements according to the analytical method pursued in such cases. Thus the paper is divided into two parts: part one contains statements of the scholars, and the second is the analysis that applies this method in IE matters. 
Conference Name : 7th International Conference on Islamic Economics 
Duration : From : 24-3-1429 AH - To : 26-3-1429 AH
From : 1-3-2008 AD - To : 3-3-2008 AD
Publishing Year : 1429 AH
2008 AD
Number Of Pages : 46 
Article Type : Article 
Conference Place : King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 
Organizing Body : Islamic Economics Research Center 
Added Date : Thursday, July 1, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
فهد عبدالرحمن اليحيىAl-Yahia, Fahd Abdul-RahmanResearcherDoctorate 


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 27234.pdf pdfضوابط الاختيار بين أقوال الفقهاء في مسائل الاقتصاد الإسلامي

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